

Protection for the unexpected

Surety Bond Guarantees

Commercial surety bonds fulfills requirements held by state laws and guarantee the operator’s commitment to the laws regulating their industry. These bonds are necessary to gain the licenses and permits to lawfully operate, and they assure the public and potential customers that business with you is trustworthy.

Plan Summary

In compliance with industry-specific laws and regulations, commercial surety bonds guarantee specific aspects of your business. Bonds may protect against losses, signify compliance with tax laws, or ensure the holder will carry out business as stated.

Other Plans to Consider

While commercial bonds are usually required by law, don’t leave other aspects of your business unprotected. Consider building your personalized insurance suite with our Small Business agents or look into an Umbrella Policy for extra coverage.


Personalized to your unique business situation

License and permit bonds

These bonds are required for some professions before a license will be granted. Some of these professions include electricians, plumbers, HVAC technicians, and contractors.

Fuel tax bonds

These bonds guarantee fuel sellers will pay the lawfully required taxes on all sales.

Agriculture dealer bonds

These bonds are required by any person licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture who buys and resells agriculture products, including but not limited to grains, livestock, produce, and dairy products.


Together, lets find the right policy for you.

Our knowledgeable agents can walk you through the process of finding the right policy for you. They can review these points and more to help you make the right decision for your business.

How much will it cost to repair or replace my property if it is damaged or destroyed?

Ask your agent to talk you through your property’s value so you can make an informed decision about coverage.

What discounts may be available?

You may qualify for a range of discounts that your agent will help you uncover for increased savings.

What is the process of filing and settling a claim?

Our agents will make sure you know who to call and what happens after you file the claim.

Amanda Sims

Need Assistance? Call us at:

(337) 828-5867



We look forward to working with you. Just fill out the form below, click Submit, and one of our agents will contact you as soon as possible.

Insurance coverage cannot be bound or changed via submission of any online form/application provided on this site or otherwise. No binder, insurance policy, change, addition, and/or deletion to insurance coverage goes into effect unless and until confirmed directly by a licensed agent.